

126 Uppsatser om Historic tile stoves - Sida 1 av 9

Kakelugnar : en studie av Emil Petterssons kakelugnsmatriser

In recent centuries the Swedish Tiled Stove has varied in its design with an aesthetic evolutionary history that has not only followed the architectural and artistic ideals but also the taste in stove design. The heat source has varied depending on the regional traditions and where it was located within the country, but the inside of the construction was of a similar five channel system. The purpose of this paper is to study and compare the design of tile matrices made by Emil Petterson with other Swedish stoves. The following questions will be addressed:What characterized the production of a small scale tile stove workroom during the years 1900-50? Which main styles can be described as Emil Pettersson?s ideal while producing his matrices? And finally, is it possible to study the tile stove matrices as objects of historical and cultural significance, and what difficult methodological issues might occur in the doing of it? To answer these questions I will present the results of the documentation of Pettersson?s tile matrices with detailed historical categorizations and schedules. The conclusion shows that Pettersson as a stove builder and -producer was characterized by eclectic ideals and a design shape based on more liberal interpretations of contemporary trends.

Hur ofta bör småhus sotas? : En samhällsekonomisk analys av ändrade sotningsfrister

Sweden recently changed the national regulation of chimney sweeping. This study has two purposes. The first purpose is to evaluate the effect of this reform to see if the new regulation has led to an effect in terms of increased chimney fires in single-family houses and for the wood-burning and oil-burning stoves, respectively. The second purpose is an updating of a previous study (Mattsson 1994) of analysis of society´s benefits and costs of different alternative sweeping frequencies for wood-burning and oil-burning stoves. This study also has a secondary purpose to examine the extent to which the local sweeping rules vary with climate conditions.  Mattsson, based on his results, proposed that the sweeping requirements for oil-burning stoves should be reduced from twice a year to once every second year and for wood-burning stoves the sweeping should be reduced from four times to once each year.

Web Map Service implementation i .NET

I dagens samhälle så används internet mer och mer för att få fram information, så är även fallet förkartor. I denna uppsats, som gjorts på uppdrag av Tieto Sweden Healthcare & Welfare för att kunnaanvändas i systemet Laps Care, kommer det tas upp lösningar för att hämta geografisk data viakarttjänster med hjälp av Web Map Service (WMS) tjänster i en .NET applikation.Detta examensarbete kommer att ta upp, på en grundläggande nivå, hur WMS-standarden kananvändas av en klient för att visa digitala kartor från en WMS-tjänst samt lite kort om andraalternativ till WMS så som Web Map Service Tile Cache (WMS-C) och Tile Map Service (TMS)tjänster. Det ges olika förslag på open source komponenter som kan användas för att hantera sådanatjänster med fokus på SharpMap som valdes att användas i prototypen som gjordes för att visa huren sådan klient kan se ut.Uppsatsen kommer också behandla kartografi där det kortfattat förklaras om vilka riktlinjer somborde tas för en karta.I andra stycket tas kortfattat upp hur webbtjänster fungerar och även vad det finns för för- ochnackdelar att använda sig av sådana tjänster.Det kommer också förklaras vad Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) är och hur det användsidag.Sammanfattningsvis så utvecklades en fungerande prototyp med hjälp av open source komponentenSharpMap som kan visa kartor från WMS, WMS-C och TMS tjänster och om en ERSI Shapefilmed vägdata finns tillgänglig så går det att söka efter gator..

Forsknings- och utvecklingskostnader : Definition och anskaffningsvärde ur ett skatterättsligt perspektiv.

Research and Development-costs constitutes an important part in contemporary companies. R&D are treated differently depending on their definition and how the historic value is decided. The main goal for this essay is to bring clarity to how the definiton of the term R&D is decided in accounting as well as in tax law. Another goal is to decide how the historic value is calculated. It is also interesting to examine under which circumstances the costs can be activated in the balance sheet, and under which circumstances deduction for the R&D-costs may be allowed.

Byggnadsminnesförklaring : ett långsiktig hållbart skydd?

There are currently 2160 buildings in Sweden that are protected by law with the designation as a cultural heritage building, which is the strongest protection that can be obtained for a building of cultural historic significance. The purpose of this thesis is to research how strong and sustainable the protection of such a designation is and how you can motivate a revocation. Furthermore, this thesis aims to give an overall insight into all cases where there has been a revocation.To achieve the protection of a designation as a cultural heritage building, the object has to be of outstanding interest on account of its cultural historic value. In the first part, this thesis gives a short historic background of the cultural heritage law and its terms, like outstanding interest and cultural historic value. The County Administrative Board's documents about revocation are the main source for this research.There have been 24 cases of revocation and the frequency of such cases has increased in the past ten years.

Fuktproblem i chilenska småhus

Humidity problems and poor ventilation are factors that we associate with poor indoor airquality which are known to negatively affect health. Such problems have decreased with timein Sweden but, in other countries this is still a major problem especially during winter. InChile, this is most common in the central regions of the country, especially the Strait ofMagellan. This issue is primarily due to surface condensation happening indoors which bringsabout dampness which facilitates the growth of fungus and stains, foul odors, metal corrosionand more. This is due to a combination of poor ventilation and insufficient forms of heatingalong with buildings which have no insulation.

På besök i medeltiden : att levandegöra historien på ett museum

Museums are a part of the cultural sector that over the last couple of years had to compete with the steadily growing consumption of spectacles. New techniques to attract and amaze the visitors have evolved. Living History Museums has developed a method to simulate past times by building up an environment with reconstructions. History is a non-definite science, there will never be an exact answer to how it really was, for example during the Middle Ages.This essay deals with the difference between reconstructions and authentic artefacts and how they build up an illusion of the past. In what sense does it matter if the artefacts are genuine or not? How do these museums deal with anachronistic phenomena from today's modern world in the historic environment? Additionally I discuss whether or not these reconstructions - of environment, buildings and personal characters - have any influence on the historic narrative given by the museum.

Två filmer om medeltiden- kunskap, förståelse och historiemedvetande

Syftet med detta arbete är att diskutera förhållandet mellan historisk spelfilm och historieundervisningen i den svenska skolan idag. Spelfilm har blivit en del av elevers vardag och historiker diskuterar i allt högre grad hur historia används i spelfilmer och hur detta påverkar vårt historiemedvetande. Möjligtvis är det så att detta bruk av historia leder till ett nytt historiemedvetande. Film kan ses som ett pedagogiskt redskap, en upplevelse som leder fram till intresse och kunskap. Vad detta arbete strävar mot är att undersöka om man kan lära sig något om det förflutna genom historisk spelfilm samt om historisk spelfilm kan utveckla elevers historiemedvetande. Arbetet tar sin utgångspunkt i ett projekt om historisk spelfilm genomfört med högstadie- och gymnasieelever på två skånska skolor. Med avstamp i visandet av två filmer om medeltiden; Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves och En riddares historia, diskuteras faktakunskap, förståelse och historiemedvetande..

Möten i kulturmiljöer : En studie av publika insatser i samband med arkeologiska utgrävningar

This essay is focused on the questions of and responsibility for where, when, how and why communication and meetings through archaeology should take place. I have critically studied Swedish public archaeology through three diverse archaeological excava­tions, one took place in the end of the 1980s, and two others in 2012.I have asked for under what circum­stances and with which goals the public efforts become possible. I have inter­viewed leaders for the archaeological excavations and/or the public efforts and questi­o­ned how and why they reached out to the public. I also searched for results and effects in order to problematize and value the public activities.Through interpretation of the resear­ched material it becomes clear that economic issues as well as archaeo­logists interests and engagements are of vital importance for public archaeology. Co-operation in the local community and archaeological documentation is crucial for the deve­lopment of archaeology and its role in society.Keywords: Public archaeology, Community archaeology, Heritage, Communication, Manage­ment, Historic environment education, Time Travel, Living history.

Genusperspektiv på kulturmiljövård. En diskussion om genus i bebyggelseantikvarisk verksamhet

This Mag. thesis discusses how a gender perspective could be implemented in themanagement of cultural heritage focusing on the built environments in Sweden.The thesis further argues for the need of a gender perspective on the conservationof cultural heritage.The two main approaches, additive through the perspective of the women?s part inhistory and integrated gender perspective, are thoroughly presented in the thesis.In the additive gender approach built objects that represent women?s experiencesand lives are added to a history that traditionally represents men and theirexperiences. The integrated gender perspective includes a gender in all activitiesas an instrument in a historic analysis. The gender perspective illustrates therelation between the sexes.

Topografins inverkan på markvattenhalten i ett jordbruksdominerat avrinningsområde

Topography is an important parameter for catchment hydrology, since it is a driver for water flow. Moreover, topography serves as a basis for hydrological models, e.g. ?Top-model?, which is based on a topographical wetness index (TWI). Few studies of TWI have been conducted on agricultural catchment scale. Four fields were studied in a Swedish drained agricultural catchment in order to evaluate the influence of topography on soil wetness.

Planteringar på Marieholm med 1800-tals växtmaterial och tillhörande skötselplan

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 22,5 hp, 2014.

Staten, religionen och kapitalet : en analys av den europeiska skuldkrisen utifrån Max Webers ?Den protestantiska etiken och kapitalismens anda?.

Previous research regarding the European debt crisis has mostly focused on the purely economic aspects of the crisis. However, there is a strong ?Protestant-Catholic? dimension in Europe, where historically Protestant countries are more prosperous than their Catholic and Orthodox counterparts. This has especially been a fact since early 2010, when several countries within the European Union had their credit ratings downgraded. Is this phenomenon merely a coincidence? Or could the roots of the recent troubles in Europe have a basis in historic religions? To tackle this question, Max Webers ?s 110 year old study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is brought back into light and used as a tool for analysis of the crisis.The results show that not only are Protestant countries in general more prosperous, but they also have lower corruption and their citizens have a higher level of trust towards the government.

Vi får främmande : En kvalitativ studie av äldre svenskars syn på främlingsfientlighet i en historisk kontext och hur de uppfattar den idag

This essay is about the hostility towards strangers and foreigners within a Swedish historic context, not only towards foreigners coming from another country, but also directed to people within the Swedish society among the ethnic Swedes themselves. From their accounts of the concept I will discuss why and how this hostility towards strangers has developed and been expressed when they were younger, but also how they perceive the phenomena today as it express itself..

Stigberoende och spelmatriser : Varför har landstinget i Värmland valt att ansöka om att få gå ihop med Region Västra Götaland?

The aim of this study is to try to explain the process using both an actor driven perspective as well as a structural perspective examining the reasons why the County Council of Värmland wants to merge with Region Västra Götaland. The answers to the following research questions are sought to shed light on the problem: What constrained the discretion of  the political actors in the choice of region to merge with? Which role did  different political actors play? Does the study provide Game Theory, from Rational Choice theory,  and Path Dependency, from Historic Institutionalism, a new perspective and strength especially  when bringing them together? The study is limited to two policy areas, health care and regional development policy. The structural background is drawn upon the Annual Report 2008 of the County Council Värmland, the Regional Development Program and Regional Transport Infrastructure Plan 2010-2021 by Region Värmland. The chronological order of decisions and events is drawn upon protocols from various regional political organs all linked to the municipal of Värmland and the correspondence between the officials of Värmland?s municipal and the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency of the State.

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